Monday, April 25, 2016


Garmin has decent GPS maps but their download process feels like it was designed in the Soviet Union, circa 1950....


Tabor said...

I now have GPS installed in my car, but my husband does not, so I have to update the GArmin once again, I guess.

Cerulean Bill said...

I tried on three different browsers. Each said Yeah, okay, ready for download, and each failed on the download -- resulting in three actual orders for the same thing. Now I have to get them to revoke those orders, not to mention getting me an actual working copy.

I recommend a stiff drink first.

Cerulean Bill said...

Also, Garmin's map download software apparently ONLY works if you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer. Not with Microsoft Edge, not with Google Chrome, not with Mozilla Firefox. And even then, its shaky -- the help desk guy reset my password, and signed in with my ID and that password, successfullly; when I tried it, it didnt work. Kept wiping out the ID and password. He finally suggested NOT downloading, but instead ordering a microSD card with the map already on it, which he said you can do with ANY browser. So I did -- and the 'secure purchase connection' timed out halfway through. I don't THINK the order actually happened.

Right now, paper maps are looking pretty good to me.

At least they WERE able to delete the charges. Or they said they did. Takes a minute to charge, and two weeks to undo. Ah, eCommerce.

RozWarren said...

My Garmin keeps freezing up en route which makes it worse than worthless.

Cerulean Bill said...

At least its not saying No, really, take this road, I know it looks rocky and one lane and hey, don't hit that goal that just seems to have slid down the mountain, but TRUST me, this really is the 405, honest...